Thursday, April 10, 2014

Golden Rod Trail Head

This is the entry to Blue Heron Trail at Golden Rod

140410 Water Matters Eblast

140410 Water Matters Eblast

We had several homes in the community affected by the lightning this past weekend. Please check your controllers for time and date accuracy

Watering days are as follows:

Odd addresses may irrigate on
Tuesday and/or Saturday
Even addresses may irrigate on
Wednesday and/or Sunday

No sprinkler or irrigation system use is permitted on Mondays, Thursdays, or Fridays.

This information can be found at the following website:

I would recommend watering no more than one day a week only. Temperatures remain cooler at night and over watering can lead to fungus in the landscape. I am watering the boulevards twice a week, but only at 35% of early Summer run times. I would also recommend staying attentive to weather forecasts so that we can anticipate shutting the system off ahead of the next freeze or rain event that usually accompanies our weekly cold fronts this time of year.

If you need assistance programming your controller contact your neighborhood representative to have a water ambassador help you, or talk to your landscape/irrigation professional.